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The davinci code book page number the da vinci code author

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235).Īccording to The Da Vinci Code, true Christianity was started by a Jesus Christ whom others viewed as just another prophet. As one book reviewer put it, The Da Vinci Code promotes 'the gleefully heretical notion that the entirety of Judeo-Christian culture is founded on a misogynist lie.' Or as the novel itself reads, 'Almost everything our fathers taught us about Christ is false' (p. It basically condemns the entire faith as nothing less than a wicked fraud. Unfortunately, the saga boldly attacks Christian beliefs relating to the reliability of Scripture, the deity of Christ, the organization of the early church, and the activities of church leaders during Christianity's formative years. It has entertained millions of fiction fans and will probably continue to do so thanks to director Ron Howard's motion picture adaptation of it starring Tom Hanks. LutzerĪ biblical response The Truth, Dan Brown, and The Da Vinci Code By Richard AbanesĪuthor of The Truth Behind the Da Vinci CodeĬ � The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown is one of the most intriguing, yet disturbing, books to ever hitīestseller lists. The Truth Behind the Da Vinci Codeby Richard Abanes Related article: The Truth Behind The Da Vinci Code

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